is a registered TRADEMARK.
I have decided to register it because I wanted to express my acknowledgement and gratitude to ALL People I've met on my way who stimulate my journey to the 'essence' and 'origin' of our DIVINE BEING.
A LIFE JOURNEY made of a lot of things - wasn't all romantic... - events, surprises, meeting people, challenges, all with a common feature: love and passion for Quality and Excellence.
Quality to make a difference.
Excellence to express potential and best resources.
Harmony, Beauty, Joy, Natural Art and Uniqueness that come up even beyond our will when they are deeply connected to the 'source'.
Love and joy for people's talents, gift and freedom.
... for my Masters, Trainers and Healers who taught to me the best skills and encouraged me to express them in the world. To help me to grow up and evolve.
Thanks to the Special Friends.
Thanks to the excellent People I've cooperate with to achieve beautiful make dreams come true.
People who taught me the deep love and passion for your work.
People who trusted me.
Thanks also to myself...for the courage, the passion, the love, the trust I have had to explore new paths, go beyond the known...meeting the unknown, opening new windows upon the world...and take new courses of action.
For having seen beyond even when it was hard, very hard...for loving beyond old limits, for seeking the beauty, dreams, the GIFT...even after all... . The 'White Pearl' inside each od us.
Thanks to my Family...beyond words... .
Thanks to the People I keep meeting on my way every day...because the Journey is not over.... .
That's my GIFT, what the Registered Trademark PERLACOMUNICAZIONE.NET represents, for a life always lived from a 'starting point' to 'come back home'... .
Thank You and enjoy your JOURNEY.
TM 6th June 2013***
"There is always a possibility that pushes us forward in the world ... find yours and keep looking ...all is possible' . (Manuela Priolo).